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Kristen Helmers
EDIT: I reached to the company, and they handled the driving complaint very professionally and took responsibility for contacting the proper authorities. I changed my raying from a 1 to a 4, still yerrible it happened but their conduct after has been excellent and speaks volumns of the company itself.
Original issue
Driving behind their company van unit number 308 this morning on the tollway in from Leesburg, the entire four lanes slowed down as a mother hawk chased an invading bird from her nest..except this vehicle. The gentleman either was watching the road or did not care, and struck the mother hawk, killing her on impact.
This caused the surrounding vehicles to swerve from the carniage but this gentleman showed no indication of even noticing he hit this large bird, or again did not care he had done so. He mainted his speed, no brakes, nothing to indicate he was aware.
Continuing to follow him I noticed him start to swerve and realized he was attempting to text while driving. Makes me wonder if this isnt what he was doing when he struck the hawk in order to miss every lane of surrounding traffic slowing from 75 to 60 around you.
I truly hope this company does the right thing upon contact and reports this to the proper authorities to search the nest for the now abandoned chicks.
Robert Walls
I just saw one of their vans throwing litter on I-4. #6065. Earth friendly business.
Jennifer Chavarria
Great Company!